Facial Roller: the Benefits Behind the Technique

It's the crème de la crème in facial care and the most promising trend of recent times. The facial roller is one of the best natural anti-aging methods and has been popular in the world of female beauty.

It was traditional Chinese medicine that brought to the world what is considered a powerful treatment and which is now beginning to be reborn among the customs of current generations, leaving hyaluronic acid to take a backseat. Some experts believe that the facial roller could be the key to healthier skin on all levels, without resorting to any type of surgery. And because in alternative medicine we look at the human being as a whole and argue that our physical body reveals what is happening inside us, in this case, the belief is similar: our face can reveal our mental and emotional history.

When we talk about facial massages (the function of this roller), the first phase focuses on understanding the dynamics of the skin, so that in a later phase, expression lines, sagging below the neck and swelling can be removed. The traditional facial massage is done with Gua Sha , a tool that consists of a crystal whose texture works by sliding over our face, in order to redirect energy and promote a natural lifting effect, promoting luminosity and youthfulness in the skin. However, the roller has an extra feature: the calming effect it provides. It is this property that gives us the much-desired “glow that comes from within”.

Most skin care is rooted in stagnant lymphatic flow. When we move this system again, we are allowing excess waste in these areas to be released (when they remain on the skin, they can eventually come out in other ways, causing small, painful and unsightly infections). The function of the facial roller is to facilitate this movement and contribute to this circulation, in order to avoid these injuries. In addition, the so-called crystal roller has other powers:

  • Disguises dark circles and puffy eyes;
  • Leaves the skin more luminous;
  • Reduces wrinkles;
  • It has an anti - stress effect .

How and when to use?

This object can be used at any time and as many times as necessary. To see visible results, you must use it for at least five minutes (maximum ten), at least five times a week. Before using it, you must ensure that your skin is completely clean, apply your serum and massage. Move from the inside out and avoid using it in reverse.

Facial Roller vs. Gua Sha

If you compare the facial roller to Gua Sha , you will notice some similarities. And if indecision between one treatment and another prevails, the choice must be made based on your personal preference. While the roller becomes more accessible to glide smoothly over the skin, the Gua Sha is shaped to be held in the hand while massaging the surface of the face. A roller may be a more convenient option for stimulating blood flow and draining swelling, while Gua Sha can help you incorporate an intuitive flow into your routine, allowing you to focus more on your beauty as you indulge in this ritual, bypassing rhythmically your face and working your breathing.

The facial roller is a no-fuss version of Gua Sha . We can think of it as a comforting technique for quickly activating energy directly on the skin. Enter our online store and discover the facial roller we have available for you.

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