Eva Restaurante & Bar: from Paraíso to Alto do Chiado

It opened three months ago and is purely inspired by the tropical ambiance of an imaginary paradise. In Eve we did not find Adam, but as soon as we arrived here we felt that we were entering the Garden of Eden.

Located in Chiado, more specifically at number 47 on Rua Garrett in downtown Lisbon, this new restaurant is the result of an old dream of a Brazilian couple who managed to recreate its first gastronomic space in Portugal.

With the help of chef Paulo Mattos, Eva's proposal is, essentially, to invite us to enjoy a fusion of various cuisines – French, Italian, Portuguese and Brazilian – maintaining a Mediterranean base and offering a seasonal menu, which changes constantly. Never leave your healthy principles behind (in this space, almost all dishes are gluten-free and lactose-free!). Vegetarian options are something that the menu also offers, for the sake of the sins of those who follow this diet.

For starters, enjoy the wonderful selection of artisanal cheeses with fig jam, the octopus croquetas, with lemon and green strawberry puree or the octopus with quinoa; As a main dish, the signature dish of the house is the okra honey rice (needle rice cooked in oriental broth, sautéed okra and mushrooms, green onions and burnt cucumber pickles ). Brazil also comes to us through one of its main desserts: the Brazilian nut cake with açaí sorbet .

Eva's decoration is romantic, feminine and exudes Nature in every corner. The best part? Go being able to enjoy your meal while watching what happens just below yes, on Rua Garrett. A perfect place for a lunch with friends during the week.

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