Decoration for Emotions. Improve Your Mood at Home

Decoração Para as Emoções. Melhore o Seu Humor em Casa

Get ready for a decorating lesson – here and now! Well, it's not actually a class, but it could be, since after this you'll want to explore, to the limit, everything we're going to tell you about. We are influenced by the environment and the space in which we live. So, think with us: is your home helping you feel happier?

The light, space and layout of the room can influence our physical and psychological well-being and, according to some studies, the intersection between art and science has been intensifying, considering the way in which each feature of the architectural environment has an impact on certain brain processes (involving memory and emotions, namely stress ).

In order for you to feel relaxed in your place of peace, it is important to reflect on what really calms you down. Will it be cooking? Read a book on the couch? Or take a hot shower? With the right answer, you will create the right environment. The important thing is to have an area of ​​the house exclusively dedicated to relaxation – it is completely prohibited to use this space to do anything that does not contribute to calming your mind, body and spirit.

Decoration for emotion – and for the brain

To ensure that the experience is positive whenever we enter our home, it is important to remember that there are five areas of brain activity to consider when creating a space that will improve our mood: sensation and perception; learning and memory; decision-making; emotion; and movement.

To improve sensation and perception, we must start by changing the lighting in the house and removing lights that are too bright, replacing them with more calming options or using adjustable lamps; make decision-making easier by taking the guesswork out of your day by placing a trash can near your door so you can throw away all the junk mail as soon as you receive it; reinforce your memory skills through the use of furniture with rounded sides which, according to some studies, can actually encourage more brain activity; and improve your emotional well-being by placing live plants throughout your home – caring for them and watching them grow.

Anything that makes her smile is a good idea

Fresh, seasonal flowers on the kitchen table, sleeping on clean sheets, avoiding chaos and clutter. All of these are details that can make a difference when it comes to increasing your peace of mind at home. How about starting by replacing your dark sheets with white sheets? This gesture will completely renew your room (it seems too simple, but try it and see!).

Use and abuse pieces that make you feel good, that give you happy memories. Anything that makes you feel joy can – and should – be used. It could be a painting, a photograph or an object you brought from one of your favorite trips. Place these pieces in visible places, as they will communicate with your unconscious more frequently. And this will automatically make you feel better and with greater enthusiasm and desire to live tomorrow.

Decorate with soul

Comfort is achieved through soft textures, light pastel colors and materials such as wood, which help bring a feeling of warmth to any room.

Using curved pieces (such as rounded chairs or sofas) can help the brain interpret the geometric lines used as something lighter, as the curvature has a calming effect on the mind, while at the same time being pleasing to the eyes.

Use aquariums and indoor plants to make you feel more connected to Nature.

The psychology of colors

Colors can – even – affect our mood and, when well chosen, can contribute to our peace, happiness and comfort. Green reminds us of Nature, growth and renewal, as well as tropical forests and fresh air, giving the room a relaxing atmosphere; pale blue is one of the best colors we can include in our interior design , as it evokes the ocean and the sky, inducing a feeling of freshness and calm; yellow is associated with happiness, reminding us of sunny days, promoting creativity and stimulating our ability to concentrate; pink or orange can also help you feel happier. According to color psychology, deepening any of these tones can automatically make you feel more positive.

Tailor-made lighting

Making all lighting dimmable can change the mood of a space and can create a more relaxing and inviting home. Attractive lamps will also help add enjoyment to your current decorating style.

At the same time, we can and should make the most of sunlight, as it increases the production of endorphins and serotonin in the body (chemicals that make us feel happier). Taking advantage of this light in the morning also helps the body stop creating sleep-inducing melatonin, something that will keep us more awake.

Placing your furniture in positions that are receptive to natural light can be beneficial, as it will absorb much more solar energy throughout the day. If you can't take advantage of this light, try using warmer colored lamps in your room.

And because the quickest way to make a room look livelier is to let natural light in, this may mean you have to remove curtains or blinds from the space, making this space feel even larger.

An art called Feng Shui

For more than 3 thousand years, the Chinese art of Feng Shui has been used to promote happiness. Using the environment to improve our mood, emotions, well-being, health and finances, this philosophy aims to achieve an ideal balance in life, taking advantage of positive energy (good Chi ) by making the right decoration choices (and not only).

Therefore, it is essential that you have plants at home, as the oxygen they release promotes good energy. Avoid plants with thorns or pointy leaves and make sure they are healthy and happy. Do not despise them or let them die, as plants are living beings – and any living being that we welcome into our home deserves us to take care of it.

In addition to all this, it is very important that you follow other essential principles of this art, namely:

1. Incorporate a piece you really like in a high area;

2. Clear the clutter;

3. Surround yourself with beautiful and meaningful pieces;

4. Place your sofa against a solid wall;

5. Choose a central table with rounded edges;

6. Maintain proportion in all spaces;

7. Use reflective surfaces, but balance them with warmer materials;

8. Leave space on both sides of the bed;

9. If possible, try to have a mirror that reflects the garden, as this will further enhance the beauty and positive energy of the outdoors (it is important to try to make the mirror large and place it behind a lamp, to visually expand the room and increase the light effects).

The goal is to amplify positive vital energy within your home, to energize and balance your life and harmonize your environment through your inner Self. And Feng Shui is a relatively simple way to improve all these vibrations. Get inspired and make your time at home as pleasant as possible.

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