Body Combing: a Beauty Treatment for Crystal Lovers

The world of beauty is completely focused on a new treatment that involves the use of crystals. It's called Body Combing and promises to have a naturally rejuvenating effect on our body, and can also improve the appearance of our face, transforming the texture of our skin and improving our immune system, as well as our energy levels. The most surprising part for crystal lovers: this technique involves jade and rose quartz combs. Continue reading to understand everything.

What does Body Combing consist of?

Body Combing is a Chinese self-healing treatment (which works both physically and energetically), representing an extension of Gua Sha and providing a deeper and more intense massage on the meridians – our energy channels, according to Chinese medicine.

The power of using a crystal to nourish the skin is something that has already been talked about, mainly due to the fact that it is capable of stimulating our blood circulation and, consequently, providing us with a revitalized appearance, from the inside out.

Involving the use of crystal-based tools on our body, this is a practice that follows several specific massage techniques along our various energy lines, in order to reduce cellulite and fluid retention, helping to expel waste that there they accumulate (which can be, in certain situations, fat).

According to what is said, the type of crystal that is chosen to use in this technique performs a certain function (which another crystal will not perform). For example, while jade creates more balance in our body, rose quartz works more intimately with our energy, transmuting it.

How it works?

According to the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine, our body has 12 meridian channels and they all start in the head. In each of these channels, there is a certain point where our vital energy is most accessible (where acupuncture needles are generally inserted).

For the effects to be visible, this is a treatment which must be carried out daily, for a few minutes and, preferably, with the help of body oil or shower water (this is because the objective is make the crystal glide more easily over the skin).

Thus, following the energy flow of the meridians, the external part of each limb should be worked, then moving to the internal part of the limb, making six movements in each area. According to what this medicine dictates, this step will serve to clear these channels of physical and emotional blockages that we accumulate throughout our experiences.

You are not supposed to feel pain during these massages, but yes well-being and pleasure. Quick movements must also be made in any more problematic areas. This will make the skin red in some cases. but it is part of the process.

It is really very important to use a body oil when carrying out a treatment like Body Combing . It can start at the neck (back) and next to each shoulder, moving to the middle line of the spine and the rest of the back. The areas that follow are the chest, arms and legs, respectively (you must press them gently).

Why use crystals in this technique?

Due to the fact that this is a treatment that involves not only our physical part, but also our energetic essence, the use of crystals ends up being elementary, as they are believed to be a source of healing, balancing the mind and body. . Each crystal carries a vibration with a specific purpose and each is responsible for certain benefits and sensations.

Treat a part, to treat the whole .

Since this is a Chinese treatment, it is important that we try to understand the nature of this same knowledge. Chinese medicine believes that to treat merely one part of the body, all parts must be treated, since health problems begin, first, at an energetic level (i.e., they start from an emotion), resulting in an interruption in the flow of energy around the body.

Therefore, Body Combing works to unblock this stagnation that may be happening in our energy channels, leaving us relaxed and rejuvenated. Increasing immunity, strengthening skin texture and helping to keep our muscles strong are, therefore, the main reasons why this technique should be part of our beauty and well-being routine – just like a sport.

Main health benefits:

Body Combing is not just about toning your body – It’s about “toning” our immune system. Each of our organs is connected to a specific meridian. Therefore, if we work on these channels, stimulating blood circulation in these points and massaging them with the help of a crystal, we can restore balance to these same organs, cleaning that that has been blocking them.

By regularly practicing this technique, the appearance of the skin is softened, decongesting and nourishing it, leaving the arms softer and the neckline more hydrated.

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