BelieveInYourself, A Place to Heal the Soul Through Hair

BelieveInYourself, Um Lugar Para Curar a Alma Através do Cabelo

The image of hydrated, beautiful and silky hair is closely related to the femininity and health that any woman wants to convey. However, with social pressure to meet pre-established beauty standards, it can be devastating to experience a problem like hair loss, whatever the reason that triggered it.

Bringing happiness to people who seek it is the mission of Cláudia Piloto who, more than a specialist in image treatment and motivation, is a true caregiver for women. Anyone who enters your space, BelieveInYourself , quickly notices the energy and love that gives it life. Created to promote a service of personalized hair prosthetics, hair rejuvenation and motivational support, particularly supporting women who face hair loss as a result of oncological disease, this project is much more than a place to transform a woman's image – here, moments are created to make you smile, from the inside out. There are no magic formulas or recipes: just feel, believe and deliver.

We spoke to the creator of the concept, who tells us the story of her space where the magic of hair beauty happens and where, more than working on aesthetics, the energy of the soul is worked on in a beautiful metamorphosis.

The BelieveInYourself project is a pioneer in Portugal and aims to improve the image of women who seek it, focusing on their skin and, above all, their hair. We know that, more than an aesthetic change, this process can represent an internal change. How was the idea born? Can you tell us more about this concept?

My years of experience working with human hair ended up bringing me here. One day, the sister of a friend of mine, who was suffering from cancer, asked me, on one of my trips to Paris, to bring her a hair prosthesis identical to her hair. The next thing I knew, I was removing her hair and putting her prosthesis on. Everything went surprisingly well, it was a great joy… From then on, I realized that my path had to go through here. I realized that what we saw in the movies – the anguish, the crying and the full weight of the situation – didn't always have to happen that way. Later, I had the opportunity to help another friend's mother with the same problem, who reacted exactly the same way: she was genuinely happy and no one could understand what had happened to her. She managed to feel beautiful throughout the entire process. It is important to understand that this type of procedure is not just about putting hair on your head: hair has a unique shape, texture and series of conditions. My perspective is to look at the woman in movement, free from prying eyes. And I have always dealt with this very naturally, as if I had been doing it my whole life. This had to be my path, where I act according to what I feel and am guided by my intuition.

More than a hair experience, this is a well-being experience…

Yes. One of the treatments I provide involves cleaning the follicle — which can be done during the cancer treatment process — so that new hair grows healthy, adding to this a therapeutic process in which people relax for half an hour in an armchair (some fall asleep soundly). All of this represents a state of profound well-being. Patients are monitored by me for a year and, in addition to the prosthesis, we have consultations every 15 days to carry out hair regeneration. It is a very pleasant process, full of aromas and calming sensations. I don't focus on the disease: my focus is on the cure. I create solutions to make women feel good and beautiful, and I give them some tools so they can protect themselves from other people's indiscreet questions. Above all, people have to create love for themselves and they have to trust the process, because that makes all the difference. Half of the cure is there. I care for women and help them stop being afraid of doing what they feel. This journey is much more than an aesthetic change, there is a whole process of self-discovery along the way.

What, for you, is the concept of beauty?

The concept of beauty does not necessarily have to do with futility. They are completely different things. Beauty is a way of being in life. If a woman likes to see herself looking beautiful in the mirror, she should work on herself as much as possible so that she feels beautiful as a whole, so that her reflection is not just a mask.

What exactly happens during a consultation with you? How is monitoring processed?

The first consultation serves to get to know the person and understand their needs. Here, my empathetic and intuitive side comes in, as a basis for the connection I create with people. After this first approach, we begin to reach conclusions that, as a rule, are accurate. We set a path and a goal. Treatment can last three months, six months, a year… it can even just consist of a consultation every now and then. Each person must be analyzed according to who they are, but all processes have something in common: they are built by special moments.

Many women must certainly come to you with great anguish and anxiety to resolve their hair loss. How are these emotions managed?

My first approach is always to ask the person how I can help them. I like and need to listen to people, and then explain to them what my work is specifically based on and what I think is the best treatment for their benefit. After this approach, people begin to relax and enjoy the process.

Can everyone who wants a hair prosthesis use this treatment? Is there a specific age and/or a specific type of alopecia to progress?

Everyone can appeal. I had and have clients from the age of 16 to 80…

What other treatments does BelieveInYourself offer?

In the first instance, we always carry out a perfect fit assessment, because each person is unique. In addition to the totally natural and personalized hair prosthetics service – in which an in-depth study of the client is necessary to evaluate the appearance, color and quality of the hair, as well as the skin –, we also offer the hair rejuvenation service – to prevent aging, treating and controlling the progression of alopecia, through 100% natural products – and Total Make Over , which includes a profile study and color, cutting and organic regeneration services. In the case of cancer patients, the first hair prosthesis consultation should take place before the start of chemotherapy, where they will be given some important tools for a better quality of life during the treatment process. This first contact, as well as the placement of the hair prosthesis, is done in a closed cabinet, to guarantee complete privacy and comfort. Hair rejuvenation treatment is especially recommended for cancer patients so that, before chemotherapy sessions, the follicle can be cleaned and hair is born with superior quality and without any chemical traces.

What makes you happiest on this path?

Everyone who passes by feels this space is a special and inspiring place, and that makes me very happy, as well as being able to help people in health processes of this type. Finding our way and being able to have some peace doing what we love is extraordinary.

Follow BelieveInYourself on social media:

Instagram: @claudiapilotobelieve

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