Alcohol-Free Watermelon Mocktail

Now that the heat is starting to arrive, we can start thinking about fruity drinks and light aromas that refresh us. This is the case with this mocktail , made with watermelon and mint, ideal for a late happy hour .

This drink is rich in electrolytes, leaving us with more energy. It is easy to prepare and can be made in a blender.


1 watermelon;

1 lemon;

1 cup of mint leaves;

Sparkling water;

crushed ice;

Mint sprigs and/or edible flowers for garnish.

Preparation method:

Cut the watermelon into medium-sized pieces (carefully removing the rind);

Add the watermelon pieces and mint leaves to the blender and set it to high speed. Spin for about a minute;

Strain the juice and remove any unwanted pulp;

Squeeze the lemon juice into another jug ​​and mix it with the watermelon juice with a spoon or spatula;

Add crushed ice to your glasses and top them off with a splash of sparkling water. Decorate as desired and serve.

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