The Best Lunch to Take in the Lunchbox

At work we don't have the habit of stopping for lunch: each person takes their own lunch to eat between two bites. Do you identify? If so, we bring you a suggestion that promises to be quick and full of flavor.

Ingredients (for 2 meals): 1 can of already cooked small grains; 1 previously roasted tomato (recipe below); 3 kale leaves cut into julienne strips; 2 tablespoons of olive oil; 1 clove of chopped garlic; 1 tablespoon of coriander; 1 quarter of finely chopped red onion; Salt and pepper to taste.

Preparation method:

Prepare the stew. After the oil is hot and the ingredients are all involved, remove from the heat;

In a bowl, place the cooked grain, a quarter of finely chopped red onion and the julienned kale;

To finish, pour the stew on top.

For the roasted tomato:

Just cut it into strips as if you were making a salad and place it on a tray with a drizzle of olive oil, coarse salt and pepper. Normally, the process takes around 45 minutes in the oven at 130º. It can also be seasoned with chopped garlic, coriander, thyme, rosemary or any aromatic herbs you like most.

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