What Motivates It?

What moves the world and our lives is hope and motivation. Without motivation nothing grows, nothing is built, we don't smile, our body doesn't smile and we get sick much more easily. So, where is this motivation that is the fuel for our Self’s vehicle?

Psychologist Walter Mischel explains that one of the biggest reasons for our lack of motivation is linked to the fact that only 10% of our behavior is based on our personality. The rest of the way we behave and the choices we make have to do with situations, circumstances, values, traditions, habits, etc., of the community/society in which we live and the things that happen on a daily basis. It is an unconscious process.

But all of this often means that we live in an illusory happy way. In addition to having to live with our disappointments and sadness (in solving daily problems), we also do other things that, deep down, we don't like. However, if necessary, we won't even be able to handle it. We think that's really how it is. However, there is discouragement, demotivation and fatigue that is caused by all of this.

But it doesn't have to be that way. In this way, not only do we let sadness visit us much more often than joy, but we also do not produce the hormones we need for our well-being and health. Life passes us by without us ever knowing ourselves a little better and accepting ourselves. Therefore, you need to be with those who motivate you more often! You have to do what motivates you more often because that's what moves you. "But what if what moves me isn't a good thing?" The only thing you need to know is that, as long as it's something that doesn't harm you or anyone else, it won't do any harm. Different doesn't necessarily have to be bad. It's just different. And it's often great. As such, open your heart and don't worry about it so much.

How do you know what moves you?

For some it's easier than for others, that's for sure. Therefore, here are some guidelines that can help you. You just have to reflect on the questions that follow and try to answer them. Don't worry if you can't answer some of them because what you answer in the others will help just as much.

1. Understand (and accept!) that what moves you may not be the same as what moves your family and/or friends! Understand that these may be things that are considered basic and/or strange to some. They can also be different things that are not, apparently, interconnected. Understand that you don't have to tell anyone what makes you tick. Realize, similarly, that what moved you a few years ago may no longer be what moves you today.

2. What makes you want to live? (Think about what you don't want to lose when you think you might die sooner than expected):

  • What gives you the strength to get rid of an illness more quickly?
  • What makes you have the strength to go to bed later than usual and than what you need to replenish your energy?
  • If you didn't need to work to earn money, what would you really want to do?
  • What kind of music do you like? What genre of music makes you smile inside?
  • What type of food do you like most?
  • What genres of films fill your soul? (See more times!)
  • What kind of conversations do you really enjoy having with other people? What fascinates you to talk about and holds your entire attention?
  • If no one criticized you, what kind of clothes would you actually want to wear?
  • What kind of landscape really fascinates you?

We can't always understand what moves us. Or else we only realized one thing. Or several. And don't worry if you still don't understand what moves you. From now on, as you will be thinking more about this subject, it will be easier one of these days to realize that it is what makes you want to live more intensely! At that time, move and, for your health, let your heart smile.

Vanda do Nascimento is a therapist, trainer and Mindfulness instructor at the Escola de Mindfulness Essencial , which she founded in 2016. She began her career as a teacher in 1997, obtaining a degree in Education. On that same date, he also began his studies in Reiki, Meditation and Mindfulness. Later, he embarked on the path of Psychology and delved even deeper into the topic of Mindfulness, in order to continue his fight to control stress and anxiety.

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