Do you spend the day working at your desk? We have tips for doing it in a healthy way

Passa o Dia a Trabalhar à Secretária? Temos Dicas Para o Fazer de Forma Saudável

Being a professional is very important, but so is taking care of your physical and mental health, especially because, without this requirement, you will not be able to be the best version of yourself in the work field. And if teleworking requires you to spend a large part of your day working at your desk, spending hours sitting, it is important to adopt some habits that make this process easier. However, maintaining a routine requires discipline, focus and mental predisposition.

You don't need to tell us: we know it's hard not to get depressed when everything you see in your feed of Instagram are people – or gods?! – who train in an enviable way and who maintain eating habits irreproachable. But the good news is that There are many ways to get around and overcome your inertia when it comes to change habits.

At first, it may not seem like the most accessible mission in the world. world implement these changes, but with the necessary determination you will see your health and productivity increase significantly.

Take short breaks throughout the day.

Giving your brain a break every now and then can be the The best thing you can do when tiredness sets in. Whenever you feel that the your body is too tense, or that you can no longer reason logically, take a few minutes for a brisk walk outside (with appropriate care) or choose to do some simple exercises at your desk.

These small breaks throughout the day will not only help recharge your mind with more energy, but they will also offer you more focus and creativity in what you are working on. This way, according to Psychology Today , your body gains the opportunity to move towards new fitness goals. Try it.

Drink more water.

Yes, we could dedicate dozens of articles to talking about importance of drinking water to hydrate our body. Drinking more water is imperative, but when sitting at a desk eight hours a day, this rule gains even more strength. Healthline states that, by drinking enough water, we will be taking care of our health in general, preventing diseases, aiding digestion and reaching new health goals physical performance.

Superfoods, your best friends.

Now, more than ever, most of us are invaded by an inexplicable desire to fill up on everything that corresponds to sugar. How many chocolates/cookies/pancakes have you eaten today? Well, you don't need to answer. Take the initiative to familiarize yourself with the healthy foods that you like most and that could be the perfect complement to this moment you are experiencing. «We are what we eat».

Improve your posture.

Our posture is a determining factor when it comes to our health and comfort. Take time to focus on how your back and head may be affected when working on the computer all day. Making small adjustments – every day – can lead to better overall posture and support for your body. It is a gradual process that will bring you long-term benefits.

Prepare meals in advance.

Preparing your meals in advance, just as you might do if you were in your normal work routine, can be really useful in terms of saving time (and saving it for other small pleasures that might make sense). Some studies claim that by preparing your lunch in advance, you can help provide an adequate source of energy for the rest of the day, reducing your intake of saturated fat, salt and sugar.

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