Natural Energies

For a home to not just be a space, but a place where we feel good, we need to personalize it and make it a bit of ourselves, through what we like. Flowers and plants are the best pieces of decoration we can have. By the simple fact that they produce oxygen, they contribute to our well-being and feeling of relaxation. Furthermore, they help combat headaches and even colds, as they purify the air and reduce the presence of dust in the house, ideal for smokers, those allergic to dust mites and anyone who wants a clean and pure environment. We tell you which plants to choose to give your home a new energy.

Orchid: most plants carry out photosynthesis during the day. However, there are plants, such as orchids, that carry out photosynthesis at night. Therefore, to enjoy 24 hours of “purification”, keep an orchid at home.

Violet: the African violet is perfect for decorating, either because of its small size or its strong color. It began to be used for medicinal purposes, in the treatment of sinusitis and rheumatism. It is another example of a beautiful flower, which has the benefit of purifying the air.

Boston fern: better known as fern, it serves as a natural humidifier and absorbs air pollutants while releasing steam. Furthermore, it will give the house a tropical feel, as it must be placed suspended, close to a window (make sure the plant does not receive direct light).

Aloe Vera: is known for its cleaning and air purifying abilities. Furthermore, it is very easy to treat, as it does not require much care. As if that weren't enough, the gel that this plant produces within the leaf itself can be used to treat cuts and burns naturally.

Azalea: this yellow flower means delicacy. In addition to its strong, vivid color that gives a beautiful look to any decor, this flower fights ammonia, which is present in many cleaning products, so placing it in the kitchen or bathroom would be a good idea. This plant needs a lot of natural light (place it by a window) and should only be brought indoors after flowering.

Peace Lily: the name speaks for itself. This plant is known for transmitting serenity, harmony and a feeling of purity. It has the ability to clean various types of pollutants, even fungi.

Lavender: ideal for giving that soft aroma to the room. Its purifying effect has been known for a long time, there are even people who burn lavender branches to clean the air: they say that lavender has the power to transform negative energies into positive ones.

Want more reasons to (re)decorate your home?

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