Mini Tartlets

For those who enjoy seasonal fruit, the apricot is one of the most anticipated fruits. With soft skin on the outside and juicy on the inside, it is a delight at the beginning of the most awaited season. And why not a dessert with this wonder? To serve as a snack or even breakfast, what do you think? Ingredients: 1 cup of muesli (any will do); 1 tablespoon of honey; 1 tablespoon of water; 5 apricots; 5 mint leaves to decorate. Preparation method: Grind the muesli in a food processor. Add the spoon of honey and the spoon of water and grind again until everything adheres; Remove the dough and place it in small molds, lined with cling paper. Place in the fridge overnight or in the freezer for 1 hour; Peel the apricots and cut into pieces. Then, place them in a food processor together with the mint leaves and grind until you obtain a kind of cream; Finally, remove the bases from the freezer and serve while still cold, with the apricot sauce on top!

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