Find out how pajamas can improve the quality of your sleep

Is there anything better than enjoying a good night's sleep? And if this makes use of the comfort that pajamas can offer, so much the better.

It is said that the origin of pajamas took place in India. As time went by, and as everyone understood the power of wearing something so comfortable to sleep, it gained worldwide popularity which, today, makes it a practically obligatory icon in every wardrobe.

How can pajamas improve sleep quality?

Just as it is important that we choose the clothes we wear before leaving the house every day, it is also important that we know how to dress correctly before going to bed every night.

Most of us believe that, to be healthier, we need to change our lives. However, the change can be as simple as wearing the right pajamas before going to bed, as this can greatly improve the quality of your sleep.

Increases Hygiene .

In addition to allowing us to recharge our energy for the next day, a good night's sleep is also essential for taking care of our skin, helping it shed dead cells and renew itself.

Since, during sleep, the body releases a large amount of dead cells, when we are wearing pajamas, most of the dead skin and bacteria are located on the clothes (and not on the bed sheets). Therefore, the items we wear while sleeping act as a barrier between our body and the bed linen, making it extremely important to wash your pajamas regularly.

Clean the clothes you wear to sleep correctly to avoid becoming susceptible to certain skin diseases.

Keeps the body warm during sleep .

Wearing pajamas while sleeping keeps your body warm. And, although some scientists recommend nudity during sleep, the truth is that being clothed has some benefits, as it protects us from low temperatures at night (wearing warm pajamas is more effective than considering tripling the blankets from your bed).

Prevents colds .

Wearing pajamas at night reduces the risk of getting sick, as even if you uncover yourself while sleeping, your legs will be protected and you will be able to avoid the onset of an unwanted cold.

A question of comfort – and not only .

Pajamas are the definition of comfort. In addition to being able (and obliged) to sleep with it, you can cook, exercise at home or simply relax on the sofa. To have a peaceful night in the Land of Dreams, it is important that you feel comfortable before going to sleep, as this condition helps you fall asleep more quickly and stay that way for a long time.

Considering wearing pajamas made from the right material for your body's skin can also make a difference in your nights: you should use cotton, which is soft and breathable, facilitating movement; flannel, for colder nights; and silk, which is a type of fabric that is effective in preventing overheating, and is also very breathable.

For people who sleep in awkward positions and move a lot during sleep, wearing pajamas is also crucial, leaving the body completely covered, without revealing unnecessary skin.

Details matter.

Choosing a quality fabric for your pajamas is essential. This material must be breathable and soft, so that, during the time you sleep, the body regenerates in the right way. This is the first step to waking up healthy and relaxed every morning.

However, it is not just the type of fabric we choose that we should focus our attention on. It is also important to wear looser clothes when sleeping, without allowing them to become too tight or for elements such as buttons or labels to cause any type of discomfort during the night. Make sure that no elastic is too tight, so as not to disturb your blood circulation.

Finally, remember not to neglect the comfort of your feet. This part of the body is often forgotten when going to sleep. Some research reveals that cold feet are associated with insomnia. Therefore, when you go to bed, wear socks (not too warm, as heating your lower extremities too much can make your entire body very hot).


Frederica's first homewear line features a set of five pajamas, all made in Portugal and made by reusing fabrics, avoiding dead stock . We have five timeless models at your disposal, ideal for investing in your comfort at home, through a feminine and uncompromising color palette.
You can purchase yours using the links below.

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