Jogging — This Could Be the Best Sport to Counter Weight Gain

Can't go without your weekend run? Or are you one of those people who wakes up early to go for your morning run and capture the best energy of the morning sun? Regardless of the answer, just know this: a study carried out in China recently found that one of the best ways to maintain weight and eliminate the prospect of obesity is to go jogging regularly.

We all know that it is important to learn to eat less and exercise more, either because the medical professional says so, or because the books and media that we let into our lives make a point of mentioning it (over and over again). The question/challenge/great truth is that all of this is much easier to understand than to actually put into practice.

According to recent Chinese research, mentioned in Healthline , regular running is the best type of exercise to control and avoid weight gain, with mountain climbing, walking, dancing and yoga also being highlighted as excellent choices if you want to achieve this end.

If, perhaps, you are not a fan of running, we explain the best things you can get from this type of exercise: jogging keeps our heart rate in a low-cost heart rate zone, which is considered the calorie burning zone. Our fat ends up being a type of fuel so that our body can keep its heart rate in the zone it is predisposed to when we are training.

When we run frequently, there will be, as a consequence, a greater caloric expenditure, because the greater the speed, the greater the challenge/effort and the greater the number of calories burned. Therefore, when a certain type of exercise does not demand much from us, its level of effectiveness will also be lower, something that inevitably leads to a lack of results. The more body energy we deposit in a given physical activity, the greater the possibilities of losing weight.

It is important to remember that, in most cases, regardless of our genetic makeup, it will always be possible to combat our predisposition to problems related to weight (either excess or lack of it). Our genetic tendency is not a sentence for the rest of our life. Stay active, train and be happy.

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