Homemade Marshmallows

They're pink, they're cute and they're delicious. We talk about a precious sweet that transports us to our childhood as soon as we smell its pleasant smell. In its original version we find ingredients with additive effects that do not benefit our body in any way. That's why we decided to show you a recipe completely free of colorings or flavor enhancers.

In this healthy alternative to our favorite gummies, we can use grated coconut to replace powdered sugar, which is sprinkled over the final product. The flavor is still divine.

Ingredients (for 25 units):

5 gelatin sheets;

100g of jam and fruit without added sugar;

1 egg white;

Drops of lemon juice;

Water qb;

Grated coconut for sprinkling

Preparation method:

Place the gelatine leaves in a container and add fresh water until they are immersed. Let it hydrate for five minutes;

Beat the egg white until stiff, adding a few drops of lemon juice to obtain a firmer mixture;

Prepare the jam: if there are pieces, grind until you get a homogeneous cream;

Drain the water from the gelatine leaves very well and dissolve them in a bain-marie, with the stove on low heat;

Add the gelatin to the beaten egg white, beating at reduced speed. Add the fruit compote and gradually increase the mixer speed until you get a solid consistency;

Place the mixture in a silicone mold and refrigerate for approximately 24 hours;

Cut into small portions, in the desired shape, and serve sprinkled with grated coconut to taste.

Recipe taken from the special 10th anniversary edition of Prevenir magazine.

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