Why Should We Drink Tea?

Porque Devemos Beber Chá?

Whenever a tea lover is asked why we should enjoy this drink, the most predictable answer is: “Because while drinking your favorite tea, you are offering your body countless benefits”.

From delighting our taste buds to improving our health routine, there are many benefits that natural tea can provide us. And if in summer we like to drink it cold and refreshing, in winter, on the other hand, it is best to enjoy it at a temperature as warm as our heart.


There are four varieties of tea: green, black, white and oolong . According to several studies, tea's profoundly healthy properties are due to the presence of polyphenols, a type of antioxidant, and phytochemicals.

Green Tea

Several researches claim that green tea improves liver performance and prevents arthritis. To get the most out of this type of tea, choose to prepare it in loose leaves, in order to enhance the flavor and allow more antioxidants to be released.

White tea

Widely acclaimed worldwide, white tea is known for helping with weight loss and the treatment of diabetes, as well as improving memory, energy levels and skin and hair health.

Black tea

Black tea is a strong source of antioxidants, being able to prevent certain viruses in the mouth and gums, eliminate free radicals from the body, maintain the health of the digestive tract and strengthen the immune system.

oolong tea

This traditional Chinese tea is often identified as the best for burning calories and also for stimulating our immune system. The polyphenol antioxidants in its composition can help alleviate the symptoms of eczema, prolonging the improvement effects.


The therapeutic value of tea has been known for centuries. Its quality components, together with its antioxidant properties, make it a unique drink.

Over the years, it is very possible that tea has been associated with solace, comfort and well-being, while drinks like coffee are more associated with mental stimulation, drive and energy.

Some studies refer to tea as an aid to the nervous system, also arguing that it can help control our blood sugar levels.

The tea ceremony in China focuses precisely on the importance of honoring the therapeutic power of tea, believing that Nature created it to reflect the tranquility and purity we need to remove problems from the mind. This is also considered a type of mindfulness meditation, with the act of drinking tea serving as a kind of preparation to reach a meditative state, helping to achieve an ideal state of relaxation for this purpose.


After water, tea is the most consumed drink in the world.

The question is this: is drinking cold tea as healthy as drinking hot tea? In fact, there is not enough scientific evidence to allow us to assess the best temperature for drinking tea. However, some experts say that bottled teas (which are kept in the fridge overnight), as well as liquid concentrates, tend to lose their antioxidant power.

The ideal temperature depends on the type of tea you are drinking. Boiling the water is responsible for oxygenating it, letting the best flavors of the herbs stand out. However, this does not mean that the more we boil the water, the better the infusion will be. The ideal is to maintain a gentle boil.

Likewise, it is also important to pay attention to the cooling time. Patience is the key to enjoying the best tea. After preparing yours, add water to avoid losing minerals from your preparation.

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