Want to Be Happier? Eliminate These Objects from Your Room

Quer Ser Mais Feliz? Elimine Estes Objetos do Seu Quarto

There is a world in our room that belongs only to us. That's why it's absolutely imperative to make this space the ideal place to turn off your mind and escape everything tumultuous that happens outside. And if we can fall asleep peacefully and wake up even happier and healthier, why not? To do this, you must keep all objects that undermine this scenario at a distance. Below, we show you the enemies of good sleep.


This screen, like a cell phone, emits blue light that contributes to the premature aging of our skin, causing blemishes and reducing the elasticity due to the presence of collagen. Commit to watching less television before falling asleep and instead reading a book.


Yes, we know that these add a special touch to any space in our home. The problem is that they are also home to dust mites, responsible for various allergic reactions that we sometimes develop. If we choose to simply use a rug, that decision will mean fewer complicated mornings – and fewer sneezes!

Badly positioned bed

According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui , our bed should not be against the bedroom door and our feet should not be directly aligned with it.

Objects that are too small or useless

Do you know the “cantaloupe” rule? This is a concept that argues that small objects in a given space give it a feeling of clutter and disorganization. Remember that this chaos ends up blocking your happiness. Try to make the room more serene with simple, larger decorative pieces.

Too striking colors

If you suffer from insomnia, this point must be emphasized repeatedly. Choose softer tones to adorn your bedroom, so you can enjoy a calmer sleep.

Curtains that let light through

It is important that the light is reduced in your sanctuary, and it is crucial to opt for more consistent curtains. Don't forget that this is your space to be calm and happy, when starting and ending the day. Therefore, do it with the best of energy.

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