These Life-Changing Decisions Promise to Help You Live Better

It's autumn and it's time to take the opportunity to look to the future, to challenge yourself and to start – now – planning what you (really) want to change at this stage. There are simple goals that can make a difference and determine the course of the rest of the year. And Frederica, of course, shares them with you.

1. Stay away from toxic people.

How about eliminating toxicity from your life? Stay away from people who don't make you feel good and who just drain your energy. People toxic people are rarely aware of the negative, sad and insecure way they live their life. That doesn't make them bad people, but it stops them from being able to see the good side of life, being harmful to themselves and those around them.

Know how to recognize what those who are part of your life make it feel, so that you can position yourself in these relationships. Try not to absorb the negativity they transmit to you and walk away when necessary.

2. Call the most important people in your life.

Showing people we care about the importance they have in our lives never hurts. There is no point in waiting for the right moment, especially because there is no guarantee that it will arrive. Don't expect anything from anyone and be the first to act in moments when showing what you feel will always be remembered as something valuable. If you have a matter to resolve with someone, don't leave it until tomorrow. Learn to apologize and be honest about how you feel. There is nothing more liberating than leaving problems and misunderstandings in the past.

3. Exercise your body and mind.

It's never too late to start training. I'm sure you've heard this expression somewhere. But, although this may seem like a commonplace, the truth is that it can make perfect sense. Take the opportunity to invest in yourself and find a sport that makes you happier and makes you feel more confident, with a different outlook on life. Try meditation or yoga , or take your first steps toward that hobby you've always wanted to do but never had time for.

4. Enjoy the moment and don't spend so much time on social media.

The media only has the importance we give them. In many cases, they have a much more negative effect than a positive one on our state of mind. If the addiction to constantly checking your profile persists in haunting you, we have great news for you: the world won't stop if you decide to disconnect for a few hours, or even for a few days! Try to avoid constantly looking at your phone.

5. Value yourself, just as you are.

Comparing your life, your personality and your image to everything you see on Instagram is a huge mistake. Challenges are an opportunity to get to know yourself better, to appreciate yourself and understand that your body is also your home and is something sacred. Look inside yourself, so that when all this is over, you can be the best version of yourself.

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