Three Timeless Beauty Rituals

There are beauty rituals that never lose their charm and that last over time without offering resistance to fashion. These are the customs from ancient times that we remember today, as they are still current, and are even recreated in some holistic approaches by certain brands.

Precious turmeric

The use of turmeric is a tip that takes pride of place in beauty care. In traditional Ayurvedic practices (medicine that favors the balance of body, mind and spirit) this plant is interpreted as a natural asset with extreme medicinal potential, being able to reduce inflammation and conditions associated with oxidative stress and anxiety. In India, this ingredient has always been considered essential for well-being and beauty, and in ancient times, turmeric masks were used to make skin masks in the days before the wedding. Products that have this important natural component in their genesis leave our skin free of impurities and looking radiant. Its calming and healing action is also beneficial for acne-prone skin, as the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties integrated in it are one of its greatest strengths. There are many homemade turmeric-based masks that we can prepare at home, just try them.

Flawless hands

Hand cream: some people don't even remember it exists; There are those who simply cannot live without it. Whichever group you belong to, know that this is a custom that continues to be truly sacred. It all started in France, where Queen Marie Antoinette had a habit of using countless moisturizers and sleeping with cotton gloves to soothe her skin.

It smells good, it smells like roses

Finally, we will take you to the memories that will remind you of your childhood: rose water. With the wide range of micellar waters and tonics that we find on the market, the truth is that the use of this iconic product has ended up being forgotten. However, its purifying and calming effect will (always) be unparalleled. For many years, the essence of the rose was distilled in water, as it contained countless vitamins, minerals and antioxidants perfect for keeping the skin hydrated. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce irritation and redness, and rose essential oil is able to reduce stress levels in the body.

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