Three Recipes to Enjoy the Best of Caffeine With Our High Coffee

Três Receitas Para Saborear o Melhor da Cafeína Com o Nosso High Coffee

High Coffee is an instant coffee, composed of seven special ingredients: freeze-dried coffee, cocoa, coconut water, turmeric, green coffee, black pepper and cayenne pepper. Ideal for establishing focus, energy and immunity, this product improves our concentration and enhances physical performance in training, while promoting the normal functioning of our immune system. We bring you three simple recipes to take advantage of all these magical properties on these sunny days. And don't forget to purchase this fantastic coffee, available in our online store, through this link .

High Coffee shake with vanilla


2 spoons of High Coffee ;

250ml of skimmed milk;

½ tablespoon of maple syrup;

¼ teaspoon of vanilla extract;

6 ice cubes.

Preparation method:

Place the High Coffee , low-fat milk, maple syrup, vanilla extract and ice cubes in a blender. Mix everything very well until it becomes creamy.

Creamy coffee (for 3/4 people)


50g of High Coffee ;

200ml of boiling water;

200g of sugar;

1l of milk.

Preparation method:

In a container, beat the High Coffee , sugar and boiling water for 15 minutes or until a creamy texture forms. Divide into several cups and serve with very hot milk.

Cappuccino with chocolate powder


50g of High Coffee ;

250g of powdered milk;

250g of sugar;

3 tablespoons of chocolate powder;

1 teaspoon of baking soda;

1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Preparation method:

Blend the coffee in a blender until it becomes a fine powder. Add the High Coffee and the remaining ingredients and place the entire mixture in a bowl (you can buy yours through this link ). For each cappuccino , place two dessert spoons of the mixture in a cup of boiling water.

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