These Are the Crystals You Should Have on Your Headboard

Estes São os Cristais Que Deve Ter à Cabeceira

We all know the importance of our bedroom, in other words, the most intimate space we will ever have in our lives and where energetic harmony is absolutely crucial to feeling safe, balanced, calm and comfortable.

The peacefulness of our sacred temple is achieved through an environment that includes decoration that follows the same line, a perfume that takes us to good places or memories, among many other factors. Feeling at peace can mean bringing all of this together in the place where we sleep every night.

When you sleep, you are more vulnerable. The emotions and feelings associated with your day take over your mind and this can make you much more agitated at a time when everything you want is just the opposite. This is why it is so important that we try to control this energy and manipulate this frequency in a positive way, which works in our favor and calms us down. This is where the importance of crystals comes in, they hold powerful healing vibrations.

If it is in our bedroom that we restore our mind, body and spirit, it is also essential to eliminate everything that may be blocking positivity within this space. And this goes far beyond the choice of decoration or the fragrances that live there. Firstly, if you are one of those people who usually takes their professional life to their own space, know that this gesture is wrong. If work is always close to you, your mind will not be able to calm down and switch off when what matters is to recover.

Crystals can only work when your space allows it.

Did you make the bed? The curtains of Are windows open? How many electronic devices do you have in your room? Yours Is the dresser in real chaos? You can breathe. The questions end here. But let's go the answers.

Making your bed in the morning tells your subconscious that the time for rest is over. And, that way, when you enter the room again, your mind will already know that this is the ideal time to sleep.

Let the sunlight in and always open the curtains in the morning, as you prepare to leave the house, as this gesture will bring you a fresher and more active energy to start the day well. This way, at night, it will be much easier to balance your vibrational frequency at a deeper level.

Leave electronic devices aside and clean your bedside or that drawer where you keep everything you don't really need.

In short: a tidy room is a balanced room. And so, we can now let crystals do what they do best — protect us.

Why have crystals in your bedroom?

For our energetic balance, crystals work when placed under our pillow or mattress, or when placed on our bedside table. In Feng Shui , they are used in various ways, but always with the same purpose: attracting good energy.

Over time, crystals have been used for various purposes – from merely decorative to purely healing. And when the topic is health, all we need to do is do a brief research to quickly realize that these are known as healing elements of Mother Earth. It is believed that the vibrations that emanate interact with our electromagnetic field, modifying the energy present in our body, improving it.

What crystals should we have at our bedside?


This is one of the best crystals you can have in your room, especially if you have a lot of emotional disorder. Selenite can help you eliminate negative thoughts before bed. Place it on your bedside table and, before falling asleep, place it on your chest to calm anxiety.

Black tourmaline

Known for its protective properties and for absorbing negative energy, black tourmaline is one of the most powerful crystals in the area of ​​stress and anxiety, unblocking stuck energy in the home and body. It is believed that this crystal helps us manifest desires (we should write them down on paper and place it near this crystal, so that it absorbs whatever may be preventing that goal from being realized).


Amethyst is a crystal that can be used for almost any purpose. Symptoms such as headaches and tiredness they can be relieved through your presence, which is essentially protective. We should keep it on the bedside table or under the pillow, if we have any sleep problem. Helps calm the mind, especially in situations of insomnia or nightmare.

Rose quartz

The Love Stone is always a good ally to have in our space. Rose quartz helps to attract love, but also improves the quality of sleep and allows us to have lighter and more pleasant dreams. Hold this crystal in your hand before bed for a more peaceful night.

Moon stone

Feminine energy in a crystal. Moonstone can help us stimulate our most sensual side and, in this way, improve our relationships.


This crystal is useful for preventing negative energies from entering our aura. It increases our confidence and clarifies our thoughts when making difficult decisions.

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