These Are the Best Foods to Enjoy Before Summer Ends

Summer seasons are always special. However, sea breezes and sunsets aside, what we also consider truly unique are summer foods – those that hydrate us, sweeten our taste buds or, simply, are healthy and make us feel good.

Therefore, it is perfectly natural that summer is even more memorable for food lovers. Not only because everything we taste has a different taste, but also because this is the season for brighter produce, an abundance of fruits and vegetables, crowded markets and backyard gardening.

And if these last words have already caused you some nostalgia, don't be sad. While you are still enjoying the last few weeks of the hottest months of the year, you can still enjoy the best foods of the season. Take advantage of all the bounty of summer, on your plate! We tell you, below, the foods that you can still enjoy – with the best of their natural characteristics –, according to Cooking Light , before autumn arrives.


It is not very likely that we will find wild blackberries all year round in the supermarket, compared to other fruits. Exactly for this reason, this is one of the main foods to enjoy.

There are several recipes that emphasize the flavor of this special fruit. Mix blackberry flavor into a mojito , to complement a cold pie or to add extra flavor to your favorite muffins .


Watermelon is a classic at parties and summer barbecues. Sliced ​​or cut into cubes, this very fresh fruit makes a great snack. Furthermore, when used in recipes, it is also very tasty. You can enjoy it in a delicious summer drink (find here a recipe that you can prepare to drink in the evening at home).


This fruit is the star of the markets, especially in summer. Whether it is bright red or lighter in color, it doesn't matter: all its varieties stand out during the warmer months. Use tomatoes to prepare a multicolored salad or to enjoy a healthy pizza with vegetables.


Typically used only as a main course with Parmesan, this violet-colored food has much more to offer. With the peculiar texture that characterizes it, eggplant can make a satisfying meal without adding too many calories. It is especially delicious when cooked in a wood-fired oven, complementing a sandwich or featuring in a falafel recipe.


Rich in vitamins, okra has a texture that you either love or hate. However, its attributes make it an excellent addition to traditional dishes. Cook it in the oven or grill it for a late afternoon snack.


Who doesn't love enjoying a peach on the beach, after having lunch? It's hard to resist sweet peaches, if they weren't one of our favorite warm season fruits.

However, even though its natural state is one of the best for enjoying its flavor, peach can also be used in other ways, opening the way to a world of new sensations.

Use it layered on salads or add it to your favorite cocktail . You can also try it in a peach lemonade recipe.


We couldn't forget the plum. Diversified in flavor and texture, it complements many dishes in an unparalleled way. Try adding it to a breakfast parfait or a sandwich to enjoy throughout the afternoon.

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