The Sun Has Arrived — Remember What Care to Take

Sun is shining ! The Sun seems to have arrived in force and protection is never too much. We reveal everything that cannot be left off your care list. Take note of the following tips and start taking precautions now.


It is important to recognize that although it is important to be aware of the dangers of the Sun, moderate exposure can actually be beneficial. According to a 2014 study conducted by Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States of America, sun exposure is linked to the release of beta-endorphin, a feel-good chemical that can provide a quick dose of happiness. In this way, we also stimulate the production of vitamin D, which results in better bone health and a more functional immune system. Furthermore, when we regularly expose ourselves to sunlight, our bodies adjust their internal clocks to align with the natural light cycle, meaning when it's dark outside, our brain receives signals that it's time to sleep.

Use a day cream with sun protection.

Nowadays, there are countless options of moisturizing creams and makeup products available on the market that contain the sun protection factor in their composition. For this reason, we will have to admit that there are no excuses for not being protected at all times of our day. An easy first step, right?

Refresh your skin throughout the day with thermal water.

Thermal water is probably the best invention that has ever been created when it comes to extreme heat days. There are many versions available on the market and some even have a pleasant smell. This will perhaps be the best way to refresh and hydrate yourself throughout the day (and you'll know for the rest of your life!).

Use accessories that protect you.

How about wearing sunglasses or even a hat to complement your summer outfit? This way, you will be able to make your look more complete while protecting yourself.

Go through the shadow...

No, we're not teasing you, we're giving you advice that's worth its weight in gold! Whenever you are walking around the city, choose the shadow side. There is not always a need to face the heat on the side where we are too caressed by the sun. Therefore, always choose walks where the rays do not affect you so strongly.

Use sunscreen on your hands.

Hands are the part of our body that suffers most from the sun, as they are exposed to UV rays throughout the year. Keep in mind to protect them as much as possible to avoid premature aging and unwanted stains.

Drink more water than usual.

Water, water, water and more water. Drink this precious good without fear; without reservations. At a time like this, hydration is essential, so always remember to drink a few glasses of H2O throughout your day so you can face the heat in the best way possible.

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