The New Rules of Intimacy

How are romantic relationships normalized during confinement? This doesn't seem like an easy question to answer. In the age of social distancing, the world of sex and love has become difficult to define. We encounter “new normals” weekly. And as time passes, our means of experiencing intimacy change, opening up space for us to question the rules and regulations of romance in the darkest phase we have ever experienced.

We don't know the best way to experience intimate relationships at a time like this. What we do know is that at this particular time, there is a kind of dating etiquette in place. And although it is eternally subject to change, there are some truths we should trust.

We leave you with an overview of the current rules of intimacy, so that you can enter the field in a safer way and play this game in the best way possible.

Online Dating

For now, you simply have no choice but to turn to online dating (or opt out of dating altogether). In an era where bars are out of reach, clubs are closed and talking to someone in line at the supermarket probably means breaking social distancing, turning to online dating is the safest and most respectful way to continue your love path.

Maintaining temporary romantic connections on your smartphone is… you guessed it: your new normal. Therefore, you may need to continue chatting virtually for a longer period of time before planning a masked outdoor meeting.

The concept of exclusivity

In the early stages of hookups, talking about exclusivity is hardly a fun thing to do. In fact, it may even be a premature topic of conversation. However, an involvement that presupposes a sexual relationship makes it imperative, from a health point of view, to limit the number of sexual partners.

At a time like this, talking about exclusivity is not a question of the seriousness of relationships, but rather a measure to prevent the spread of diseases.

“If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends” – when the Spice Girls released this song, they had no idea what the future held for us. Choosing who you sleep with may have an effect on the people in your circle. Your group – family and/or friends – is involved in this topic. Anyone you sleep with can potentially endanger those closest to you. Whether or not your partners are immunocompromised, they will always be subject to the repercussions of their actions. So, for starters, make sure you do your part as you navigate the realms of pleasure. Openly discuss romantic prospects with your partner and be transparent about what everyone is comfortable with.

Having “the talk”

In the early stages of any relationship, there's a lot to talk about: an obscene amount of lively conversation, a lot of time spent sharing stories and discussing plans, etc. Usually, though, the heavy topics come up later. Now, the impromptu conversation you should have with anyone you are “meeting” should focus on your values ​​from a health perspective. What precautions are you taking? Are you being careful? Who else are you influencing with your behavior? No one wants to interrupt a flirtation for a brief, intense discussion of personal values, but it's important to do so for the safety of all parties involved.

digital sex

We know that there is no particularly equivalent replacement for actual sexual intercourse. However, for now, the “new rules of intimacy” require a little creativity. We're talking about phone sex, new sex toys, or watching porn. There are countless digital platforms constantly evolving, capable of providing us with countless attractive routes to “go out” – without going offline . And enjoy.

Article translated and adapted Get Maude .

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