The Importance of Choosing the Ideal Office Chair for Your Posture

Choosing the right office chair can significantly impact your personal and professional life. Maybe you've never stopped to think about this subject, but if you work in an office you'll easily realize that you spend most of your days glued to your chair. Now, imagine what happens if this is not suitable for your body type or allows you to adopt a healthy posture.

When you are so focused and concerned about getting all your tasks completed, it is possible that purchasing an office chair that meets all the requirements is not within your priorities. It may not seem important, but choosing the wrong office chair can result in harmful consequences, not only for your health but also for your productivity. If you choose the wrong chair, you will quickly see that your back will begin to show signs of pain and fatigue, at the same time that your professional efficiency will end up dropping significantly.


Before enjoying the benefits of an ergonomic office chair, it is very important to understand that, regardless of the chair we use, there needs to be a balance so that we can have as healthy a lifestyle as possible.

If you feel the need to take breaks throughout your workday and need to get up and walk for brief moments, it is crucial to balance this activity and sit properly. This is essential for a positive change to happen in your working life and, consequently, personal life.


When it comes to the height and width of the office chair, it is important that it fits you comfortably. When you sit in the chair, the ideal scenario is that you can rest your feet on the floor without your thighs being tilted.

You should also observe, when sitting, that the back of your knees should not be on the edge of the seat. If the bend in your knees is on the edge, this can cause potential circulation problems and joint stiffness.

The importance of lumbar support, quality material and armrests

One of the most important qualities of a good chair – especially when you want the most ergonomic option possible – is adequate lumbar support. On the back of the chair, there should be a curved backrest that fits the natural curve of your spine when you lean back against the back of the chair. That curved back should help you maintain proper posture when sitting for long periods. This will generate greater comfort while working and, consequently, greater enthusiasm and concentration.

Another important point is the material from which the chair is made. It is important that high quality materials are chosen, as it must be soft and padded to remain comfortable. If the material is too hard, it is very likely that joint pain and other health problems will develop later on. Opt for soft, natural materials and a padded seat, especially if you spend most of your day in the office.

On the other hand, armrests are not always necessary when looking for an office chair (if you prefer a chair without arms, that's okay). However, an ergonomic chair that has arms should have them in an adjustable format, so that you can easily rest your elbows when you sit naturally in the chair. You should lean on your arms for full support when using the computer, but you should also be able to use them to rest your arms during the workday.

Ease of mobility

Ease of mobility must be the central point of any office chair, which must be easy to manage, light and simple.

Regardless of the type of chair you choose for your workspace, remember that it is important to invest in your health. Invest in a high-quality ergonomic chair to feel comfortable at work, in the office or in your own personal space.

Remember to look for all these benefits in the next chair you decide to use from now on – and think about the difference it really makes when you pay attention to the details.

B5 DESIGN , a company formed by a team of professionals with extensive experience in the office furniture and interior design market, presents a huge variety of ergonomic office chairs. Visit the company's website and take a look at the different options it offers, combining beauty with comfort and health. The average price of an ergonomic chair is around €300.00. Ready to make a difference in your life and workspace?

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