Delicious Sugar Free Cookies

It will be very difficult to resist these cookies. It's impossible to eat just one or two... They don't contain sugar and are one of those with a soft, moist consistency inside. Yummy!

We leave you the recipe, which makes nine delicious and, of course, healthy cookies .


1/3 cup (100g) cashew butter (see note*);

About 10 (120g) pitted Medjool dates;

1 small egg;

3 tablespoons (40g) softened coconut oil;

2 tablespoons (20g) coconut flour;

1 teaspoon (4g) lucuma powder (gives a vanilla flavor);

40g of dark chocolate, chopped into squares;

A bit of salt.

Preparation method:

Place the pitted dates, the softened coconut oil and the egg in a high-powered crusher and grind until a paste is obtained (the texture does not need to be smooth, as it is also delicious to feel small pieces of dates); Transfer the paste to a medium bowl, add the remaining ingredients and mix well; On a baking tray lined with parchment paper, arrange the cookies separately from each other with the help of an ice cream scoop. Then, lightly press the center of each cookie with the back of a tablespoon, so that they become flatter; Place in the oven at 180 degrees without ventilation, for 12 minutes (the cookies are ready as soon as the center is no longer moist and the edges have darkened).

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