Tips to Start the Year in the Best Way

Dicas Para Começar o Ano da Melhor Maneira

Good vibes, health, love and peace. Our desire is to be able to include all of this in the new year, fighting the challenges that life throws at us. Letting our faith guide us and waking up every day with a purely elevated state of mind is not always easy. Still, the idea is to try to find the best way to achieve this, through small gestures, that bring new energy to this boarding gate. The (re)beginning begins now.

How about a new morning routine?

We lead a frantic life. We rarely stop to savor the little moments because our culture demands it. And the truth is that, sometimes, we go to the limit to achieve the highest level of productivity possible, leaving self-care and our mental well-being to the back burner. Small rituals can be powerful when they help us let go of everything we'd rather leave behind, even if they just involve lighting a candle while journaling .

Entering the new decade can represent change. That's why, We can look at this new stage as if a true revolution was taking place. deal with, making a commitment to prioritize time for ourselves, from the beginning moment when we wake up and get out of bed.

Create a morning routine, even if it only lasts ten minutes, is a way of reminding her that she deserves to be placed in first place. The proposal is a kind of mindfulness of beauty, without mantras. Whenever you wake up, try to relax while doing your habits daily basics.

We know that on cold winter days it's really challenging to leave your bed, which is much cozier than the rain falling outside. But if there is a reason that makes you want to leave your “nest” – wearing a warm robe, for example – everything will become easier.

Along with this first step, the best way to start the day is (surprise!) by exercising. It doesn't have to be an intense run or a long walk. It could simply be a quick Chi Kung or Yoga exercise that you find on the Internet . The fact that you exercise your body when you wake up will make it easier for you to stay awake and the sleep that may be invading you will dissipate.

Find your energy ritual.

If your morning only starts after drinking your coffee – and if you belong to the group of people who beg for no one to speak to them before they drink theirs – then we are talking about the step you cannot skip. If, on the other hand, you skip coffee, find the drink that gives you the most energy – matcha tea, for example – and integrate it into your morning program, every day.

The focus must be on you.

This moment is about you and for you. Work matters should stay out of your mind at a certain time of the day, as well as anything that involves the presence of your cell phone (unless it is just for listening to your playlist ). Leave social media aside and emphasize your well-being.

Clear your space – physical and mental.

Clean your oasis serenity is essential to feel life flow more easily. There is How long has it been since you wash your bedding? You don't need to answer. Start by Dry clean your sheets, cushion covers and bedspread.

Then, release the Marie Kondo within you and move on to the next phase:

1. Give your closet a clean out. Give up keeping items in it that you know you won't use again and offer them to someone who really needs them.

2. Throw away products that are out of date.

3. Update the decor with minimalist details.

Boring annual tasks: check .

How about fixing the topic of boring questions now (however, needed)? Pick up your cell phone and take the opportunity to plan all your routine consultations. You will feel like the most organized and methodical person in the world. world.

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