Seven Natural Ways to Fight Urinary Infection

Sete Formas Naturais de Combater a Infeção Urinária

When a urinary infection appears, the standard treatment consists of taking an antibiotic — and, in more serious cases, this is justified. But what if we told you that for these symptoms you can resort to some natural and simple methods? You may be surprised to discover that some preventive measures start at home: from what you choose to eat, your daily habits and a favorable level of hydration.

Even though they do not require a prescription, some homemade formulas require special attention, and it is important to consult your doctor before trying anything that could jeopardize your safety.

Drink more water.

One of the best home remedies to treat urinary tract infections is drinking lots of water to help eliminate the bacteria that are causing the problem. To make sure you are drinking enough water, drink at least six to eight glasses a day.

Change your pad, tampon or menstrual cup frequently.

Intimate health products made from synthetic materials can expose your vulva to bacteria and increase the risk of infection. The use of tampons can stimulate the development of bacteria more quickly, making it important to change the pad and tampon frequently.

Get more vitamin C.

Increasing your vitamin C intake can help prevent a urinary tract infection by strengthening the immune system and helping to acidify urine to prevent these types of infections.

Drink unsweetened cranberry juice.

Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice is one of the best-known natural remedies to combat urinary tract infections, as the active ingredient in this fruit (proanthocyanidins) works to prevent the passage of bacteria into the urethra.

Wear loose clothing and cotton underwear.

Unlike tight clothing and some types of fabrics, which can retain moisture and encourage greater growth of bacteria in the genital area, loose clothing, especially cotton, helps keep the intimate area fresh and clean, helping to combat possible urinary infections.

Without airflow, bacteria can enter and create an environment that allows an infection to develop. Therefore, to ensure that the urinary tract remains as clean and dry as possible, to prevent the entry of bacteria, wear underwear made from natural fibers and avoid items that are too tight, which block the flow of air to the urethra.

Use essential oils.

Essential oils are true wonders of Nature with countless therapeutic properties. The best oils to help alleviate the symptoms of urinary tract infections are those that contain antimicrobial properties, such as lemongrass essential oil and clove essential oil.

As a rule, it is recommended that essential oils be used topically, safely and with the help of a carrier oil (coconut or almond oil, for example) or inhaled through an aromatic diffuser.

Apply heat to the area.

Using hot water bags can help relieve pain in the area affected by the infection. For around 15 minutes, heat should be applied to the pelvic region, making sure that the temperature is not too high and that the heat source does not directly touch the skin, in order to avoid any irritation or burns. Taking a hot shower is also a plausible solution, as long as it is soap-free and has a short soaking time.

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