Seven Areas of the Home You Need to Organize to Simplify Your Life

Sete Áreas da Casa que Tem de Organizar Para Simplificar a Sua Vida

In addition to a fresh start, the beginning of the year can only be synonymous with one other thing: cleaning. And now, when working remotely, the best thing is to start organizing ourselves to work in a clutter-free home.

There are some areas of our home that we rarely give due attention to – yes, we are talking about that drawer in your kitchen where all your daily paperwork ends up. It's time to pay attention to the corners of your home that you've always neglected. And this gesture, believe it or not, will have an extremely positive impact on your life, leaving your home more beautiful, as well as organized.

If, at this point, the question on your mind is something like: “Where to start?”, you can breathe a sigh of relief. It will be simpler than you imagine. Clutter-free home, here we come.

Your wardrobe

We know that this is much easier said than done, but the truth is that “clean closet” also means “purified state of mind”. Keep your wardrobe free of dirt and organized and you will see that it will be much simpler and more enjoyable to get dressed every day.

Storing your bedding

Do you have your extra bed linen, towels and sheets lined up in a hidden drawer somewhere in your room? Now is a great time to give those that have never been used to those who need them most. Organize what remains and create space for some new acquisitions.

The dispensation

Organize, replenish, label, repeat. This is all you need to do. This is an area that tends to get completely messy, but it actually doesn't take long to tidy up. Furthermore, a more organized seasoning section will encourage you to cook much more in the near future.

The household appliances

It's time to let go of any of those bulky kitchen appliances that inhabit your kitchen and take up too much space. If you don't need them and rarely use them, gift them to a friend who you know will enjoy receiving them.

Your wallets

Go get all your wallets! It's time to face the abandoned pill packaging, the crumpled receipts, the lipsticks and hair elastics that got lost there. Dedicate a few minutes to eliminate all rubbish and free up all your bags, wallets and toiletries .

All drawers

There are many drawers. But an optimized drawer works much better than a completely disorganized one. Transform all these spaces into storage areas that allow you to more easily find all the things you need, whatever they may be.

The freezer

We all have certain condiments and fresh products in the freezer that are probably past their expiration date. Throw these products in your household waste, recycle the packaging and clean the freezer well before refilling it.

Adapted Camille Styles.

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