Princess Pancakes

Our passion for pancakes means we are always on the lookout for new ideas and constantly trying new recipes. No matter how many times we repeat them, they never stay the same. These have a divine lemon touch and, in addition to being very healthy (as almost always), they are beautiful to live with. Worthy of a princess's breakfast.


1 large egg;

5 tablespoons of oat flour (you can grind the oats in a coffee mill);

1 teaspoon of baking powder;

3 tablespoons of almond milk (or other to taste);

1 tablespoon of honey;

Zest of 1 lemon.

Topping (to taste):

Soy and coconut yogurt;



Chia seeds;


Preparation method:

In a bowl, mix the flour, yeast, egg, milk, honey and lemon zest until you have a homogeneous dough. Heat a non-stick frying pan well and cook the pancakes until the dough runs out.

Serve with yogurt, cut strawberries, honey and chia seeds.

Recipe: Samanta McMurray

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