Practices to Increase Your Well-Being and Optimize Your Day

The confinement narrative that we have become accustomed to requires us to be creative so that every day is different. At the same time, continuing to take care of yourself should be a daily mission. Instead of setting personal goals focused on restrictions, considering optimizing what you already do and what you really enjoy can be more productive.

Create moments of calm and self-care in your daily activities: put on a speaker to listen to relaxing music or a guided meditation while you take a shower, do a deeper body exfoliation, drink tea while reading your book. Keep reading to discover all our tips for living your daily life with the best energy.

Increase right brain waves.

A recent study published in Neuroscience Research reveals that it is possible to stimulate certain types of brain waves with sounds. While some experts still say there isn't enough evidence to make these claims, trying some purpose-built apps can only bring benefits: Mindicine , which uses soothing sounds in short five-minute blocks to target Beta brain waves, associated with the state of mind. alertness and critical reasoning; Calm and , which offer specifically designed music with bells, bowls and forest sounds, for example, to help with concentration and increase productivity.

Be exposed to sunlight.

Exposure to the Sun's blue light in the morning will begin the awakening phase of our circadian rhythm (the period on which the biological cycle of living beings is based). Taking a short walk in the morning, having lunch outside whenever possible and opening the windows in your home can be extremely beneficial. On a normal day, 10 to 15 minutes of exposure to natural light is enough to feel refreshed.

With the best.

Introducing fruits and vegetables into your diet can make a powerful impact, without limiting your recipes and meals. In addition, the key to keeping your energy levels high through nutrition is protein, which boosts the release of carbohydrates in the body, preventing your energy levels from falling in the late afternoon. Drink plenty of water in order to avoid dehydration, which causes fatigue and loss of concentration.

Control your breathing.

Breathing techniques can transform your energy levels. If you use your breathing correctly, you will feel calmer and more revitalized. When we breathe in, our heart rate increases; when we exhale, it decreases. Start by finding a place outdoors, in contact with Nature, and take time to reconnect with yourself and your surroundings. This is not a time where you should think about problems. Inhale for a count of four and exhale for a count of eight, lengthening the exhale as long as you can. Do this for five or ten minutes and you will notice the calming effects immediately.

Perfume your home.

Essential oils used in aromatherapy can have notable effects in improving brain alertness, as they interact with our limbic system, which controls how tired or revitalized we feel. Lemon, peppermint, cinnamon and grapefruit are excellent options to boost your energy and help you feel more awake and more motivated to face the day.
Try using the oils in an aromatic diffuser. For quick results when drowsiness sets in, apply a few drops of your favorite oil to your wrists, where blood circulation is closest to the surface. Let yourself be guided by the aroma that makes you feel better and all the energy of your day will be optimized.

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