Four Steps to Radiant Skin

When we talk about female beauty, we easily notice a common denominator among the goals of most women: the search for more beautiful skin – with the ideal texture, a healthy glow and zero imperfections.

Good-looking skin is much more than applying a high-coverage foundation. Stay up to date with all the tricks to achieve naturally brighter skin.

1st Step: Cleanse, tone and hydrate the skin.

This is the starting point of any radiant skin and none of the three components – cleansing, toning and hydration – should be neglected. We should look for products suited to our skin type and try them out to find out which works best for us. We are talking about three specific products – cleansing gel or make-up remover, toner and moisturizing cream – that should be an integral part of a daily beauty ritual.

2nd Step: Apply the base.

Applying the foundation is probably the step that raises the most doubts. We should choose one that has a tone as close as possible to that of our skin, and we should test it on our neck (applying a light amount in this area, letting it blend into the skin, in order to understand if it suits us ).

To apply the product, we can use our own brush, our hands or, alternatively, a beauty blender . The big trick, which will make all the difference, is in how we apply it and not what we use to do it.

The foundation should be applied in gentle vertical pats, until the product completely blends into the skin. Thus, the result is natural and without excessive layers.

3rd Step: Model the face.

The truly decisive step is the method we use to shape the face after applying the foundation.

Modeling is a makeup technique that seeks to highlight the best that exists in each face, hiding the less good and also slimming the face according to the concepts of beauty. To do this, we use darker and lighter tones than the original base. With the darker we create shadows (to hide); with the brightest we give light (to highlight).

Points to create shadow: contour of the face and nose and the area between the jaw and cheek. With this technique we can also disguise a large nose or a more prominent double chin.

Points to create light: T-zone, triangle between the corners of the eyes and tip of the nose, arch of the eyebrow and the area immediately above the cheek.

Necessary products: to shade, we can use a dull bronzing powder; to give light, a liquid pen highlighter.

4th Step: Apply blush .

Finally, we must make use of blush, to give some life to the complexion. This should be applied to the cheekbones, as if we were drawing the number nine lying down. To find the right place to apply, we must smile slightly in the mirror.

These steps do not dispense with a healthy lifestyle, which reveals lightness and well-being, from the inside out. True beauty begins right there: in a harmonious state of mind that reveals to the world how good we feel in our own skin (literally).

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