Pain during sexual intercourse: what to do?

Dor no Ato Sexual: o Que Fazer?

Pain during sexual intercourse is considered, by the American Foundation of Urological Diseases, a female sexual dysfunction. Some studies have concluded that 9% to 27% of Portuguese women complain of pain during sexual intercourse.

However, the types of pain can be different and their origins can be organic, psychological and/or sociocultural causes. Find out more about some of the possible causes and the importance of proper diagnosis and treatment.

Possible causes :

Decreased libido : This is one of the main causes of pain and burning during sexual intercourse. This is because it causes a decrease in vaginal lubrication, making penetration more painful.

Some of the reasons for this to happen could be stress and the use of certain medications (such as antidepressants and antihypertensives).

In these situations, it is important to consult a doctor and/or psychologist. It will help diagnose the problem and help you treatment.

Allergy: Dermatitis can cause wounds in a woman's intimate region, causing pain during sexual intercourse. To avoid this condition, you should not use products irritating. Additionally, you should consult a dermatologist or gynecologist to start appropriate treatment for this problem.

Illnesses sexually transmitted: These are other causes frequent pain during sexual intercourse. Some examples are genital herpes and gonorrhea. In these cases, you should consult a gynecologist, keep the area Clean your genitals, urinate after sexual intercourse and use a condom during sexual intercourse. sexual relations.

Changes hormonal: Especially during menopause, pain during the sexual activity may arise due to hormonal changes and the use of medication. hormone replacement. They can deregulate estrogen levels, decreasing vaginal lubrication. In these cases, you can opt for the use of lubricants intimate relationships, as well as asking for advice from a gynecologist.

Dyspareunia : This disorder refers to severe pain during sexual intercourse. Its causes can be psychological or physical, such as the involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles. In this circumstance, you should go to the gynecologist, who can suggest muscle dilation techniques, as well as performing Kegel exercises, for example.

Urinary tract infection: This type of infection can also be a cause of pain during sexual intercourse. It is essential to consult your gynecologist so that he can prescribe the appropriate treatment for the agent causing the infection. In addition, good intimate hygiene should be maintained, drinking plenty of water, avoiding sex without a condom and wearing cotton underwear.

Post childbirth: In the postpartum period, there may be some pain during the birth. sexual, due to injuries that may have appeared in the female intimate region. Therefore, you should consult your gynecologist about the best time to resume your sexual life, in order to also prevent infections.

Dysfunction erectile: Although it is related to men, the erectile dysfunction can develop deformities in the penis that cause pain to the woman, during sexual intercourse. In this case, the couple should consult a urologist to solve the dysfunction problem. Furthermore, man must try to make a healthy diet, low in fat, sugar and alcohol.

So what should you do?

As is clear, consulting a specialist is always fundamental. Furthermore, it is important to view this situation not as a problem of the woman, but of the couple. If the causes of this pain can be There are also different forms of treatment.

Therapy, lubricants, painkillers, antibiotics,... are just some of the possible solutions for the various origins of this problem. The important thing is not to postpone resolving this situation and not allow what is sometimes a simple solution to become a more complex problem.

Therefore, if you suffer from pain during sexual intercourse, solve this problem now. Go to and book a specialist appointment.

This article is part of a partnership with the company Doctorino and was written by its editors.

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