How to Create a Sustainable Christmas Decoration?

Give our home a festive look while being environmentally conscious? It's possible. Sustainability is much more than a fad. It's about taking care of this huge home that is the planet. So, how about we test our ecological and decorative skills?

At this time of year, it is important that we try to reduce, as much as possible, the waste that occurs at all levels. With a thousand and one changes in the gifts and the packaging we choose to adorn them, making recycled decorations at home is the ideal opportunity to slow down and savor this season. On the one hand, we managed to spend some quality time with our family and, on the other, we managed to survive voracious consumerism.

There are those who believe that the secret to elegant interior decoration at Christmas time is to focus on one area of ​​your home and treat that place as if it were the central stage for all events. We can start by choosing the main color and adding a complementary color to it. The decoration we choose should have the main objective of feeling good, and if we can be ecologically conscious while working in this direction, the better.

Simplify .

The first premise to keep in mind is to simplify. A more pragmatic attitude reduces costs, waste and stress . Be simple in your choices and remember that less is more.

Have an environmentally friendly Christmas tree .

Do you buy a new tree every year? It's time to think twice before doing so. For one, artificial trees used for a few years are less sustainable than live trees, which can be planted; on the other hand, artificial trees used for more than ten years may need less energy in the long term. A real potted tree is a good option as it can be used for several years before planting outdoors.

Goodbye, plastic .

Avoid plastic and bring elements of Nature into your home – pine wreaths, for example. If it's a small size, you can take advantage of it and put a candle inside). Handcrafted objects also have much more meaning and there are some that look magnificent.

Create your own ornaments .

The important thing is to choose ornaments that, in addition to being aesthetically appealing, can also have considerable durability. Metal, fabric and wood last longer than plastic or glass. Give free rein to your imagination.

Pay attention to the lighting .

Why not use LED lamps? Forget the Christmas yarn that has been stored in the attic for ten years. These bulbs can save you up to 90% (or more) on energy costs and will last longer than traditional bulbs. Another important energy-saving issue focuses on using a timer to control the string lights that adorn the trees and, of course, the lights outside your home. You can find timers for sale in some stores, but you can also choose to set an alarm on your phone (it always works).

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