Healthy Wraps to Take in the Lunchbox

We leave you with a recipe for wraps with quark cheese, tuna, mushrooms and tomatoes, very simple to prepare. You don't need to heat it and you can take it with you in your lunch box to work.
Ingredients (for 1 person): 2 tortillas ; 10g of quark cheese; 1 can of tuna in olive oil or natural; 1/2 tomato; 1 can of sliced ​​mushrooms.

Preparation method: Remove the two tortillas from the packaging and heat them a little in the microwave to make them more flexible; Spread each tortilla with quark cheese and place half a can of tuna in each; Drain the mushrooms, rinse them with water and add them to the tortillas; Wash the tomato well and cut it into pieces. Then add the remaining ingredients; To close the tortillas, simply fold the bottom part towards the center first and then the sides, also towards the center. To prevent them from falling apart, use a toothpick. This is a quick, filling and healthy meal. Be creative and alternate the ingredients you use in your wraps , but to always make them complete meals, try to include a source of protein and a source of fiber and vitamins.

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