Practical and Healthy Sandwich

The sandwich brings back memories of our childhood days, when we would take a tulicreme sandwich to school for lunch. On the other hand, it reminds us of long summer days, when a tuna paste sandwich, quickly prepared in the morning, saves our lunch. So that we don't let this day go unnoticed, we bring you a recipe for a practical, healthy and easy-to-make sandwich. Ingredients: 2 slices of wholemeal bread (you can toast it if you prefer); 1 glass of chickpeas; 1/2 Red onion; 1 boiled egg; Arugula; cherry tomato; Light mozzarella; Salt, oregano, olive oil and pepper to taste.

Preparation method: All you have to worry about is grinding the chickpeas with the onion, salt, oregano, olive oil and pepper. Once the paste has been created, place it inside the sandwich. Add the rest of the ingredients and it's done. A good option to take to the office or simply for a healthy snack.

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