Sweet Avocado Paste

Guacamole is the number 1 snack. Buy an avocado and, as soon as you get home, grab a knife and fork and create the creamy paste that takes us to the fridge again and again... Who hasn't?

Its savory version is ideal as a starter or spread on a slice of bread with cereal for lunch or a quick dinner. It's also a good option in fruit salad (using avocado paste to bring everything together). Let's look at a sweet guacamole recipe.

Ingredients (for a half-liter jar):

Mix of fruits to taste: 4 strawberries, 5 raspberries, 1/5 mango, 1/5 papaya and 1 peach - for example - must be cut into small cubes;

1 ripe avocado;

1/4 of onion cut into small cubes;

Coriander and lime to taste (juice and zest).


Bowl to combine the ingredients;


Preparation method:

Arrange the avocado, cutting it in half crosswise;

Remove the seed and crumble it with a fork;

Place the diced fruits in a bowl and drizzle with lime juice;

Add the onion cut into very small cubes and the lime zest. Stir everything carefully so the fruits don't fall apart and add the chopped coriander on top.

The result? A piece of heaven. Enjoy.

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