Facial Cupping: Rejuvenate the Face Through Cups

Gwyneth Paltrow has already spoken about it a few times and other celebrities have already been tempted to try it – we are talking about a technique called facial cupping and which promises to shape our cheekbones in an enviable way. But does it really work?

Although this is an ancient practice, which involves placing special cups on the back and skin to create suction for a few minutes, the truth is that it has been around for decades, having reached its popularity around four years ago. Since then, the trend has continued to progress. The technique has become so popular that it is now on the face that its effects have gained greater prominence.

According to experts, this is a great way to detoxify the skin and stimulate cellular structure to create a smoother face and reduce expression lines, eye puffiness and dark circles. At the same time, it has also been observed to help with bruxism (excessive teeth grinding), which often occurs during sleep.

All image rights belong to Grace&Stella

What are the benefits?

Facial cupping has been shown to have the following actions:

  • Increases blood circulation;
  • Strengthens the skin and tissues;
  • Stimulates cells responsible for collagen production;
  • Relaxes muscle tension.

In this way, the practice can – when applied correctly and regularly – brighten the skin, minimize the appearance of scars, reduce swelling and improve the absorption of nutrients into the skin.

What is it and how does it work?

Facial cupping aims to increase blood circulation and stimulate facial cells responsible for collagen production, which can lighten skin blemishes, minimize the appearance of scars, fine lines and wrinkles, as well as tone the chin and neck, reducing the swelling.

There are different varieties of cup kits , with different sizes, that can be used. Some are made of hard plastic, while others are soft and have a gel-like texture. Both can be equally effective.

As a rule, according to Healthline , the following usage guidelines are:

  • Wash your face and dry it;
  • Lightly massage your face with your hands to release tension;
  • Apply a light layer of facial oil to the skin to help reduce the risk of bruising when moving the cups;
  • Start by applying a cup to your chin and around your mouth. Leave the glass in the area for a few seconds and then move it upwards, to a new area;
  • Intersperse larger glasses with smaller glasses, as necessary;
  • Continue until successful in all desired areas of the face;
  • Clean and dry your face if using oil. Otherwise, use some warm water to reopen the pores;
  • Continue with your usual beauty routine. Some experts argue that product absorption is greater after a facial cupping treatment.

It is possible that, after this process, you may notice small areas of redness and some irritation. It is a normal effect, which should subside within a few hours.

In fact, we can use facial cupping products at home, but it will be easier to relax under the care of a professional, also guaranteeing a more uniform application.

If you have a very sensitive skin type, it is best to avoid using this treatment at home, as the likelihood of developing unwanted bruises is considerably high, and it may also take longer to achieve the desired results.

Although this is considered a safe technique, there are some minor – rare – side effects that may occur during or immediately after this practice, such as facial discomfort or even dizziness.

How to prepare for a facial cupping session?

To experience this procedure, avoid taking any medication beforehand. Make sure you drink plenty of water to drain excess toxins and fats. Avoid caffeine, alcohol or salty foods. If you are pregnant, it is best not to proceed with the experiment.

Some people combine facial cupping with acupuncture to ensure better results, stimulating the general balance points in the hands and feet, giving a facial massage and then placing the cups and needles. However, this option will only make sense with a specialist in combining this type of treatment.

Frederica is not aware of clinics where it is possible to enjoy this facial procedure. However, you can always consult your dermatologist to try to understand whether facial cupping will be an option to consider to improve your face. If so, you can always purchase a suitable kit from some international online stores, such as EBay and AliExpress . Follow your doctor's instructions and see if this therapy makes sense for you.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment. No information contained in this article or otherwise provided on frederica.pt is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any patient or should be considered as medical advice or the practice of medicine.

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