Confinement: Mindful Rules for Survival at Home

Don't feel alone. Without a doubt, we are together now! It doesn't matter the color, political belief, status or social class, this quarantine — whether or not it lasted for forty days — brought suffering but also egalitarianism.

Therefore, although in some more than others, the mix of emotions that dance in our hearts and afflict our souls are very similar. Our concerns are similar: survival at all levels! We are worried, simultaneously, about the fact that our health could be affected (and the health of those we love) and about the economic impact that a global shutdown of this kind could cause in our lives.

Managing all these emotions, plus the newness of having to interact with each other in one house, twenty-four hours a day day, can cause spikes in anxiety, depression and disagreements. In that altered state, low immunity. And we don't want that.

It is important, therefore, to know even better what to do so that, within your home, the energy of love, joy and hope does not stop flowing, which, in a more direct way than you imagine, influence your state of health. Understanding, respect and, in the same proportion as hugs and kisses (which you can still give), the implementation of certain rules are essential.

Here are some of the most relevant tips to take into account, for everyone who is now sharing the same roof and the same emotions.


Accept, without blame, that it is not easy to deal with these concerns confined to a space that is usually managed in another way. It is normal for tolerance and patience levels to drop. Don't confuse this with a lack of love or attraction. Now, more than ever, plan one day at a time. And, if your situation is more complicated, if tiredness is already very present in you and around you, plan a group of hours at a time: in the morning plan the afternoon and only in the afternoon plan the evening.


If you can, and depending on the time you managed to fall asleep the night before, try to wake up between nine and ten in the morning at the latest. Otherwise, and although you may have a tendency to escape reality, your disposition will not be the best. Go to the window, look at the sky, inhale, exhale and take the opportunity to be grateful for the fact that you are alive and that you slept in a warm bed.


Eat well and take the vitamins you need, which are now recommended, but don't even think about spending the whole day in your pajamas or taking them off only if you have to go out. Prohibited! Everyone in your home should start by “dressing up”, even if it’s a tracksuit. And, there is no reason not to take care of your appearance. Even if on some days you feel more comfortable, on others, if you wish, you should put on makeup, take care of your hair, nails and what makes you feel good, such as, for example, continuing to put on perfume.


Unless you are waiting for some special notice from the state that you need to know about to guide your morning. Save this visualization only for lunch time or after lunch. And avoid continually and systematically watching what they say about this issue, both on television and on social media. Talk to children and young people about this, but always in a moderate way, explaining that everything passes and that, as you are following all the rules, everything will be fine with you and that your immunity overcomes anything (fact!).


Even if they are not divided into “equal parts”, tasks must be shared. Otherwise, whoever has a monopoly on them will be very weakened. And, if there is love, there will have to be this understanding: if one is going to make lunch, the other must go and make the beds or put the clothes in the washing machine, for example. The first person to see the trash on the floor must go and clean it up (it doesn't cost anything and it feels good afterwards). It's good for everyone and the mind thanks you. The mental reward of mutual help is achieved through hormones and neurotransmitters linked to well-being. Children should do what they can, even if it is to avoid total mess, being responsible for tidying up some of their toys. Despite all this, avoid perfectionism and be tolerant of the imperfection of other people's tasks.


At this stage, some of the brands we use in the kitchen may already have their products sold out, just as those who prepare so many meals a day may also be sold out! Therefore, it is very important that there is good communication, respect and tolerance. It is also no longer possible to quickly go to the super/hypermarket to buy just an ingredient or two. It is time to simplify our way of life and the way we live it. Take this as a new adventure in the kitchen (and elsewhere) and have fun improvising and reusing those neglected “leftovers”.


Joint tasks can and should even be proportionate, but with care and measurement. Otherwise the saturation will increase. If you get together for a whole day, in peace, during meals and then do a joint activity, such as playing a game or watching a film, it will be very good and harmony will not be lost. Obviously, those who have small children will have to be able to create more group moments (there is no way around it) but parents are advised to create environments and other moments where their children can be distracted, so that they can have quality breaks. , either so they can continue working online , or to do other things that will be essential for their mental balance, such as reading, watching television, exercising, talking to friends, etc. Couples must respect each other's individuality and space. They shouldn't even do everything together. The lunch meeting can be a good time to discuss your activities for the afternoon and evening.


Of course, when we enjoy something, time passes faster and, sometimes, it feels great to spend the afternoon or evening watching films, for example. Much more so at a time like this when we feel so out of touch and a bit lost. However, it's not very healthy to spend your days doing the same thing. In addition to the mandatory activities that home offers us, try to alternate them with others. Or better yet: if you've been at the computer for an hour or more, take a break and go watch a movie or read a book. After that, don't watch another movie or read another book straight away. Go do something different. If you were in the room for two hours, leave and move to another room for “x” time, etc.


Whether in the morning, afternoon or evening, regardless of what is usually advised, exercise! There are lots of digital platforms to help. Establish a daily time for this activity, even if it's half an hour a day. Yoga can be the perfect friend for everyone, due to the fact that it works the mind and body, emphasizing breathing, helping to strengthen the lungs and increase immunity levels in the body. You can also find yoga programs for children on the Internet . Perhaps it is, similarly, the time to stop being just your curiosity and allow your body to experience some relaxation and/or meditative practices. Here, at Frederica, there is something that can help you: meditation podcasts ! Take the opportunity to read about this and demystify concepts such as Mindfulness , for example, whose practices can be, at this stage, an added value for your overall health.


What have you been putting off due to lack of time? Now, with good activity management at home, you will be able to do some of what you have been putting off for so long. Don't think about whether or not this will be successful in the future. If you want and like it, don't give up and motivate those around you to do the same. Within the limitations you have at home, develop your personal project! What may seem insignificant today may be important tomorrow. More than ever, we have proof that we don't control things as much as we often think. The personal project can also involve nourishing yourself with more knowledge. Take advantage and look for some online courses. Studying new topics will bring you a different motivation and more strength to overcome this ordeal.

These days are not going to be easy. But with good will, calm and persistence everything will go better and go by faster. Don't disconnect yourself from affection, beautiful words and smiling at the sun every time it rises. We are here with you to help you in any way we can. If you wish, talk to us on Instagram @mindfulnessessencialesc, to express your doubts about this topic and also have access to a guided meditation at the end. Until then, strength and good cheer!

Vanda do Nascimento is a therapist, trainer and Mindfulness instructor at the Escola de Mindfulness Essencial , founded by her in 2016. She began her career as a teacher in 1997, obtaining a degree in Education. On that same date, he also began his studies in Reiki, Meditation and Mindfulness. Later, he embarked on the path of Psychology and delved even deeper into the topic of Mindfulness, in order to continue his fight to control stress and anxiety.

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