Cold Carrot Soup

This soup is vegetarian and does not contain potatoes. Carrots are perfect for this time of year, as their beta-carotene helps us prepare our skin to receive the tan of the hot season. Need more reasons to try this recipe?


1.2g of ginger;

4.20g of orange juice;

30g of onion;

20g of leek;

10g of olive oil;

100g of carrot;

1.69g of coriander;

860g of water;

1.25g minced garlic

Salt and pepper qb

Preparation method:

Place all the ingredients, except the ginger and orange juice, in the pan and let it cook for 1h to 1h30. Grind everything;

Add the orange juice and ginger and grind again until you get the desired consistency.

This recipe was taken from the Go Natural website.

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