Boost Your Immunity With the Right Foods

Aumente a Sua Imunidade Com os Alimentos Certos

To face adverse weather conditions and strengthen our immune system, we share some important tips to help prevent flu and colds.

Headache, high temperatures, generalized body aches, malaise, weakness, tiredness, cough and/or nasal congestion. Does it sound familiar? How about strengthening your immune system through the correct choice of foods? A good diet can help to avoid and also overcome flu-like illnesses and colds, and can make an impactful contribution to strengthening the immune system, through vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, E and several other antioxidants.

We therefore need to increase the consumption of foods that provide these micronutrients to our body and we also need to reduce the intake of nutritionally poor food products, which despite providing energy do not bring benefits.

Therefore, by choosing the right ingredients, we can prepare a mixture at home that strengthens the immune system and helps our body defend itself against bacterial and viral infections, colds and inflammations.

In addition to the typical recommendation to increase the consumption of citrus fruits and colorful vegetables, which help us provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals for our defenses, there are also foods with preventive effects due to their antioxidant capacity and anti-inflammatory properties. . It is with them that we can protect ourselves effectively these days.

Prepare a home remedy against colds and flu.


Honey (preferably organic);
Fresh ginger;
Fresh turmeric (if you can't find it, you can just use ginger);
Cinnamon and bee pollen (optional).

Preparation method:

Boil about 200ml of water;

Let it cool slightly and add about 50g of sliced ​​ginger (without peel) and 25g of sliced ​​turmeric (without peel). Leave to infuse until it cools down a little.

While the infusion is still warm, add a bottle of honey and the juice of 2 lemons. Wash the peel of a third lemon very well, slice it and add it to the mixture.

You can also add a cinnamon stick and two tablespoons of bee pollen. When taking it, you can also add a spoonful of turmeric powder to the mixture.

Foods that will be good allies

In addition to this home remedy, we suggest you include the following foods in your diet:


Did you know that there is also golden kiwi ? This has a higher vitamin C content than that found in green kiwi , both of which are a great choice for this time of year.


Rich in vitamins A, C, E and various phytonutrients, it is a powerful ally to help strengthen the immune system and combat inflammatory processes. The seed preparation can be used to combat coughs and sore throats.


Contains antioxidants that participate and enhance the anti-inflammatory process.


They help in the treatment of sore throat.


The flowers relieve lung congestion and have an anti-inflammatory role. Its berries have a calming effect that, in addition to helping with inflammation, can also strengthen immunity.


Try to use the leaves, as they contain a higher concentration of vitamin C than the stems or florets. In addition to vitamin C, broccoli also contains a powerful antioxidant, beta-carotene.


Rich in antioxidants helps promote immunity. Try including it in infusions along with turmeric and ginger.


White radish is soothing and used to relieve coughs and throat irritations.


With a high content of beta-carotene, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, it helps improve the immune system. These are just a few examples of a variety of foods that you can eat for breakfast, have as snacks or even include in a meal. We can always also make syrups and infusions.

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