Blessed Carrots

It has a refreshing power and, according to what we were told as children, “it makes your eyes beautiful”. Carrots are undoubtedly at the top of the list when we think about foods rich in nutrients. Full of vitamin A and K and the important antioxidant beta-carotene, which we all want to have in our bodies especially at this time of year (due to the fact that it promotes a more tanned skin tone), carrots are associated with preventing health problems (particularly those related to with vision).

This vegetable has long been considered a kind of food symbol of perfect health, and is also associated with lower cholesterol levels and cancer prevention. Orange carrots have this tone precisely thanks to the significant amounts of beta-carotene they contain, as this element is converted into vitamin A when present in our body.

The water content of a carrot can reach 90%.

Since the foods that contain the greatest amounts of water are those of vegetable origin, carrots stand out at this point, precisely because their water content can reach a level of 90%, which makes them an exceptional source of hydration. .

Fat and protein are two elements that are very little present in this vegetable, as carrots are mainly made up of water and carbohydrates. It also benefits our digestive system and the functioning of our intestine, more specifically, as it also contains fiber and other plant compounds. The latter are responsible for improving our immune system.

Lutein, for example, is one of the several antioxidants found in carrots and which proves the theory that it benefits our eyes, as it helps protect them from harmful and excessively strong lights, while vitamin A also helps with this. work, protecting the surface of the eye.

The carotenoids contained in carrots protect all layers of the skin (reducing its sensitivity to ultraviolet rays) and their consumption can help us maintain our tan, as beta-carotene stimulates the presence of melanin in the skin.

Integrating raw carrots ( in natura ) into our diet is the best way to fully enjoy its benefits. Another advantage is the fact that it is able to clean our teeth and mouth, as it scrapes bacterial plaque and eliminates residue. Another viable option is to consume it after quick cooking, as this way the beta-carotene is released more easily.

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