Ashwagandha, the Indian Plant of Wellbeing

Used for thousands of years for the powerful benefits it offers the human mind, body and spirit, Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera ) is a small, bush-like plant native to India with velvety light green leaves and red berries. Flourishing in hot and dry climates, it used to be used predominantly in Indian and Ayurvedic medicine, eventually becoming known throughout the world and having been adapted to be applied in different ways.

The powerful properties of the Ashwagandha flower and roots are highly appreciated for the wonders they provide to our mental, emotional and physical well-being, fundamentally supporting our endocrine and nervous systems.


Ayurveda — the oldest health system in the world — was the first to point out the importance of enjoying a peaceful night's rest, exercising and using Ashwagandha to strengthen the immune system.

The word Ashwagandha means “the smell and strength of a horse,” an allusion to its traditional use to support vitality and healthy libido. The Latin expression somnifera , in turn, means “sleep-inducing”, corresponding to its traditional Ayurvedic use to support drowsiness.

Known at the time for being one of the most powerful herbs in Nature, this plant was essentially used to combat fatigue and stress . Today, studies like this one once again prove this and other properties, showing that Ashwagandha is a natural adaptogen (a substance capable of helping to normalize the functioning of the body, adapting it to stress ), playing a fundamental role in reducing general anxiety. and social.

Ashwagandha as an adaptogen

Russian scientist NV Lazarez developed three specific criteria that must be present in adaptogens: they are non-toxic, they reduce and regulate stress and they benefit general well-being. Ashwagandha brings together all of these properties, which means it promotes balance in many different systems in the body.

The aphrodisiac power of Ashwagandha

One of the main reasons for a decrease in libido is suffering from higher levels of stress . Research suggests that, in men, Ashwagandha is capable of stimulating the production of nitric oxide, causing the blood vessels that transport blood to the genitals to become dilated, something that triggers an increase in sexual desire and satisfaction. This is also an ingredient commonly present in herbal aphrodisiac products.

This powerful herb has been used as a supplement to treat anxiety and even to delay the onset of diseases such as cancer, as it is considered a natural element of rejuvenation of the body, restoring reproductive tissues and associated cells.

The Benefits

On the other hand, among the various benefits of Ashwagandha for women, the following stand out:

  • Support for sexual function and reproductive health;
  • Support for immune health;
  • Improvement in sleep quality;
  • Helps promote improved memory and cognitive function;
  • Anxiety relief and helps reduce stress .

This medicinal plant is also known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Several studies have demonstrated its calming effects and its role in the body's hormonal balance.

Reducing stress and improving sleep

One of the effects of Ashwagandha is its ability to balance cortisol levels and stabilize thyroid production, removing daily stress and anxiety. This will prepare the body for a restful night's sleep, away from unnecessary adrenaline.

Increased immunity

Ashwagandha helps boost the body's natural immunity through better mental well-being and internal support. With more hours of sleep, lower stress levels and higher energy values, the body will be in a better position to fight against illnesses and everyday threats.

Sources: Healthline, Gaia Herbs and National Library of Medicine

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment. No information contained in this article or otherwise provided on is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any patient or should be considered as medical advice or the practice of medicine.

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