Apple crumble

A classic, super easy to prepare. A suggestion? Serve with vanilla ice cream. Gonna love it! Ingredients for the filling: 6 reineta apples; 3 teaspoons of cinnamon; 3 teaspoons of coconut sugar. To the roof: 240g buckwheat flour; 130g coconut oil; 150g coconut sugar; 3 teaspoons of cinnamon; 3 teaspoons of grated coconut; 180g of buckwheat flakes. Preparation method: Cut the apples into wedges and wrap them in sugar and cinnamon in a Pyrex dish; Preheat the oven to 200º. In a bowl, combine the flour, coconut oil, sugar, cinnamon, coconut and flakes. Mix lightly with your hands, incorporating the wet mixture into the dry ingredients, so that you obtain a grainy dough. Place on top of the previous preparation; Place in the oven for 20-30 minutes, until golden brown; Serve warm or cold.

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